Life Skills

View all resources on the Graham Behavior Services website for Life Skills.

washing hands
Explore the importance of hand hygiene with practical tips and insights in this informative post, emphasizing the crucial habit of washing hands as a simple yet effective measure for promoting health and preventing the spread of germs in daily life.
Explore the art of preparing for disappointment, or in other words, life, with this insightful post, offering practical strategies and empowering insights to equip individuals with resilience and adaptive coping skills in the face of life's inevitable challenges.
Explore the essential guide on teaching interactions with the police and emergency responders for individuals with autism in this insightful post, providing practical strategies and empowering insights to enhance safety and communication skills in crucial situations.
Navigate the important conversation about racism, prejudice, and bias with your children using this thoughtful guide, providing insights and practical advice on when and how to approach this crucial topic to promote understanding, empathy, and positive change.
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Explore effective techniques and practical insights for teaching your child to talk more in this informative post, providing parents and caregivers with valuable strategies to enhance language development and communication skills in a supportive and encouraging manner.
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Learn valuable strategies for teaching flexibility and minimizing tantrums in this insightful post, offering practical tips and empowering insights to help parents and caregivers foster adaptive behaviors and create a harmonious environment for children.
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Empower parents and caregivers with effective strategies for teaching a child with autism to understand and learn about the world around them in this insightful post, offering practical tips and empowering insights to support meaningful learning experiences.
Uh-oh! Looks like you hit the end of the road.

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